¡What makes Indigo unique and differentI
Indigo is a North American Real Estate company based in Los Angeles, California. We cover a wide-range of real estate properties such as residential, multi-family and commercial. Indigo's strength is its extensive knowledge and powerful network. Indigo offers a wide range of service for your property such as; repair, cleaning, remodeling, selecting vendors, etc. You can rely on our excellent property management team Indigo! Furthermore, if you'd like information about properties outside of Los Angeles area but within the state of California or other states, please contact us. Our experienced staff will listen and answer your questions to help you feel comfortable and confident about your choices.
Indigo CEO / Tomoko Maruo
Please contact Indigo for residential, apartment units, commercial properties. Once you have purchased your investment property, you can rely on our experts! The Indigo property management team in Los Angeles with years of experience! If you are one of the investors that are in Japan worrying "I like to invest in the US real states but how am I going to manage my property while being in Japan. I don't speak the language...." We are the perfect fit for you! We will send you monthly financial, property management reports in Japanese!
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If you are not able to find what you are looking for or not sure how to find one, please contact us!
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INDIGO A Real Estate Company
Tomoko Maruo
2244 Pacific Coast Highway #202C
Lomita, CA. 90717